Monday Book Review: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore by William Joyce

Although I usually stick with middle grade and YA books, I couldn’t resist sharing this gorgeous picture book that speaks to the book lovers out there.

IMG_3752Title: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

Author: William Joyce

Category: Picture book

Synopsis: This book is really hard to describe. It’s about a bibliophile named Morris Lessmore, whose books are suddenly blown away. He ends up discovering a library where he lovingly restores books that have been damaged. As he cares for the books each day, he also works on telling his own story.

Yeah, see, I can’t do this story justice. You simply have to check it out for yourself. The illustrations are beautiful. And if the title sounds familiar to you, that’s probably because the short animated film version of this book won the Academy Award in 2012.

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